
Traveling with children in Italy

Traveling with children is a undoubtedly a magical experience that allows a family to share many happy moments in a relaxed atmosphere, far from busy daily life. Follow our guidelines to have a hassle free,…


Traveling with children is a undoubtedly a magical experience that allows a family to share many happy moments in a relaxed atmosphere, far from busy daily life.
Follow our guidelines to have a hassle free, exciting holiday: you will come back home happily, with many sweet, unforgettable memories.

Destinations appropriate for children
Good preparation for a journey begins with the choice of a suitable destination.
Italy is a highly recommended country if you travel with your children: no vaccinations needed, safe environment, modern and free of charge health system, lots of children-friendly activities, amusement parks…

Before departure: health check at the pediatrician
Consult your family pediatrician for a general check-up a few days before your scheduled departure. The doctor will advise you on necessary medication required when travelling abroad, especially if your children are under specific inoculations.

Travelling by air – at the airport, check-in and on the flight
Sometimes you have to wait for a long time at the airports and it may happen that your children want to neither have a book read nor play a game. Good job that most airports offer plenty of opportunities to amuse them. Prior to your flight, you can check the websites of your departing airport to get an overview on what there is to do (play corners, observation terraces, restaurants…)

If you travel in Italy with small children, be aware that most companies accept push chairs right up to the aircraft. So you don’t have to check it in as a baggage item. Shortly before you board the aircraft, a staff member will take it from you and return it after you land. Please check on you flight company’s website.

Whenever possible, reserve a window seat for your child. There are not only a lot of exciting things to see but you also have him/her in sight and don’t have to worry that he/she has gone off on unaccompanied exploration tours.
If you travel with your baby, remember that on most flights special baby cots are available. The bassinets are suitable for babies up to 14 kg (30.86 lb) and up to 83 cm (33’) in length and are provided free of charge. Night flights are especially suitable for journeys with children because they can then maintain their usual sleep pattern and be rested at arrival.

Tips for your carry-on baggage
These are things that you should take on board when you fly with children, according to their age:

Blanket against cold air from the air conditioning (air companies provide it on long-haul flights)
Thick socks to prevent cold feet
Favourite soft toy to cuddle
A small toy
A picture or colouring book
Nappies and pants to change
Wet wipes
A change of clothes
Favourite treats for the little in-between snack
Dummy and feeding bottle
Necessary medication

Arrived at destination
Now you have a whole new world to discover: your pint-sized travelers will be thrilled by the colours and the peculiarities of Italy: gondolas, those strange boats in Venice, the mysterious Medieval villages of Tuscany, the magnificent ruins in Rome, the cliff in the Amalfi Coast…..and gelato!
Try with them as much flavours as you can, you will be delighted by its genuineness!
Have fun shopping and visiting: museums and monuments can be an exciting discovery if kids perceive them as “open air books” that tell interesting stories and anecdotes.
Inspire their curiosity: children can make you see things under unexpected corners and make your holiday a sort of a fantastic adventure…

Bon voyage!